Tim 14th May 2020

My father sometimes quoted “ The indispensable man” “Take a bucket and fill it with water, Put your hand in it up to the wrist, Pull it out and the hole that's remaining, Is a measure of how much you'll be missed. You can splash all you wish when you enter, You may stir up the water galore, But stop, and you'll find that in no time, It looks quite the same as before. The moral of this quaint example, Is to do just the best that you can, Be proud of yourself but remember, There's no indispensable man.” Sorry dad but you weren’t fully right on two counts so far ..... I had only known you Mike for the last 8 years, and even though you probably would have disagreed with me, I think you leave a hole that cannot be easily filled! From the first time we met you welcomed me and my daughters completely. You were kind, so kind that I sometimes wondered where any gift would end up if you came across someone you thought needed it more! You were thoughtful, witty, engaging, fun and immensely bright. You always kept learning, working into your late 70’s. You questioned and challenged everything -including yourself ( sometimes a bit much!!). I loved our conversations on all topics, even your endless indecisions. You were strong and resilient right to the end. You were not just a father in law to me but a great, great friend. Like many others, I will truly miss you Mike! You leave a hole that can’t be easily filled, but I feel privileged and I’m truly thankfully to have known you!